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The Bush Birds

Lift the flap on each page and discover more about 12 native Australian birds. Included on the notables list for the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia) 2022 book awards. The Bush Birds consists of twelve riddles for readers to guess which Australian native bird, commonly found in open forests or woodlands, is being depicted. Lift the hidden flap on each double page to find out the answer.

Suitable for ages 2 to 10. Young children will enjoy being read to and finding the lift the flaps, older children might enjoy answering the riddles and the more detailed info at the back.

Information about each bird can be found at the back, as well as a few tips for bird watching and helping with identifying your spotting!

The illustrations are all created from dry point etchings which have been hand coloured with watercolour paints.

We also have a CARD GAME to go with this book.

Birds included in this book - White-browed Scrubwren, Red-browed Finch, White-winged Chough, Spotted Pardalote, Diamond Firetail, Scarlet Robin, Grey Shrikethrush, Brown Treecreeper, Golden Whistler, Dusky Woodswallow, White-plumed Honeyeater, Fantailed Cuckoo.

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