Dried Flower Collages

This activity is so simple to set up, but it lets the kids create beautiful keepsakes or gifts. All you need is glue (you can use store-bought glue or make your own with our non-toxic glue recipe), dried flower petals, glitter (optional), a black marker and paper/cardboard. You may like to re-use kraft cardboard, that would have otherwise gone into the bin.
Simply draw a shape (like a flower, rainbow, fairy, crown, etc) on the paper, brush with glue and place the flower petals (and glitter) in a thin layer. You can shake the surplus flower petals off and re-use them for other projects.
In the pictures below, we made a little flower collage, which we framed and gifted, as well as a simple rainbow collage and a crown, which we cut out and stapled to a longer piece of cardboard so it can go around my son's head.
You could also glue flower petals to paper triangles, to make a bunting or you could create sun catchers by glueing flower petals and glitter to clear contact paper, framed in cardboard. Glass also makes a sustainable surface for dried flower projects - you can use paint markers to draw shapes on an old glass jar and colour them and once dried, glue some glitter and dried flower petals on them. This looks really pretty as a candle holder with a tea light inside!